February 8, 2010

The Easter Egg Hunt (Writing Prompt #5)

Take a holiday and write about that gathering from the point of view of you as a small child.

I see a pink one! There, in the grass! And there's a yellow one in the wood pile! Ooh, the green one under the bush was hard to see, but I found it before the big kids did!

Easter is my favorite day to be at Grandma and Grandpa's house, because my cousins and I get to have an Easter egg hunt. I'm old enough to know that it's not the Easter Bunny who hides those eggs, it's my dad and my aunts and uncles, but they hide zillions of plastic eggs all over the yard; by the creek, in the barn, throughout the garden, and even in the trees. I don't like having to wait in the kitchen with my cousins, but Grandma says that it's cheating to look out the windows in the other rooms to try and see where the eggs are being hidden before the hunt begins.

We each get an egg carrier, a pink, yellow, or blue Styrofoam carton made especially to hold eggs, and when we fill it up we have to come back to the house to get a new one. The little eggs have candy in them, but there's a big blue egg out there for each of us cousins. The best thing about the big eggs is that they have our names on them. The worst thing is that they don't have candy in them, just money. Those big eggs could hold a lot of candy, but I guess money is okay, too.

Some of the eggs are easy to find. They're just lying on the ground in a tall bit of grass. Some are a little harder; we have to open the mailbox or look up high in the tree branches or kneel down to look under the cars. And some are so hard to find that even the grown ups don't remember where they hid them. Those eggs we usually find in the summer when we're out looking for snakes instead.

Once we find all but the very hardest eggs, we open all of our eggs and dump the candy into a big Ziploc bag that we get to take home. We can't keep the eggs, though, because then there would be none left for the next time. We eat some of our candy right away, and mom puts the money from the big blue egg in her purse. I wish we could have an Easter egg hunt every time we go out to Grandma and Grandpa's house, because it's my favorite thing to do.

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