Homophone Quiz
Homophone: One of two or more words (such as bear and bare), that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and spelling.
Circle the correct word choice in each of the following sentences:
Warm ups
1. The Cubs one/won their game today!
2. I wish the Sox had been victorious, to/too/two.
3. Will you come here/hear for a minute? I can't here/hear you!
4. No fair/fare! I want to come!
5. Witch/Which way did he go?
Commonly Mistaken Homophones
6. You're/your going to regret wasting time on you're/your day off!
7. There/they're/their meeting on the platform over there/they're/their.
8. Who's/Whose list is this? I want to know who's/whose coming to the party!
9. I stopped by/buy the store to by/buy groceries.
10. Bear/bare in mind that this speaker will probably bear/bare his soul.
These don't even sound the same!
11. I should tighten that lose/loose rope, but I don't want to lose/loose my place in line.
12. I went/when to the store to buy a loaf of bread.
13. Were/Where is the remote?
14. Who/How told you that?
Extra Credit
15. The capital/capitol building is located in Springfield, our state's capital/capitol.
Answers: 1. won 2. too 3. here...hear 4. fair 5. which 6. you're...your 7. they're...there 8. whose...who's 9. by...buy 10. bear...bare 11. loose...lose 12. went 13. where 14. who 15. capitol...capital
Grading: 14-15= A
13= B
12= C
11= D
10 or below= F!